In Complete Agreement to Make Amends Crossword

When it comes to crossword puzzles, the goal is to fill in every square and complete the puzzle. However, sometimes we may come across clues that stump us or require a bit more thought. One such clue may be “in complete agreement to make amends.”

To solve this crossword clue, we need to break it down and consider each part individually. “In complete agreement” refers to a phrase or concept that means everyone is on the same page and fully understands each other`s point of view. “To make amends” means to apologize or make up for a mistake or wrongdoing.

Putting these two phrases together, we can assume that the answer to the crossword clue is a word or phrase that means apologizing in unison or collectively making up for a mistake. So what could this word or phrase be?

One possible answer to this clue is “apologize en masse.” This phrase means to apologize collectively or as a group, showing a united front in expressing regret or remorse. It fits perfectly with the idea of everyone being in complete agreement to make amends.

Another potential answer could be “make reparations together.” This phrase means to work together to fix or make up for a wrongdoing, which again aligns with the concept of making amends as a unified group.

Overall, crossword puzzles can be a fun and challenging way to exercise our brains and improve our vocabulary. Breaking down clues and considering each part separately can often lead us to the correct answer, even for clues as tricky as “in complete agreement to make amends.”

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